“When the past is like a monster,
and the future is vanishing –
presence is our preferred state.”
Just one quote from participant Katharina Zegers standing for many: “Last week I had the chance to travel to "The Valley". But instead of being trapped among nerdy techies talking about what they want to disrupt next, I found myself in a different kind of Valley. One filled with inspiring creatives telling, guiding and experiencing stories that have the potential to really disrupt. I already know that buying a last minute ticket to hashtag#Storycamp2024 was one of the best decisions I've made this year. I've been to many barcamps, but never one that has added so much variety and inspiration to my life. Thank you all for telling, sharing and creating stories that matter.”
Here is a wonderful photo Gallery made by ©Frederike Asael. Thank you so much ;-)

Our so called pillow book is out now and ready for orders here! (for 25 EURO excl. VAT (10%) and shipping costs). One quote from contributor Martin Ciesielski to get a taste: He starts with something not translatable, which is not a coincidence: “Gehörig im Jetzt zu sein. Thank you for the invitation to contribute. Offers should always be accepted. 😜 Great texts. Wonderful stories. Delightful inspirations in words and images. A small work of art. Highly recommended for lingering in the moment of reading and in perceiving one's own mind. Humans can be so much more. Hear & Now!”

VALLEY [faˈlaɪ] (probably from Fallada, a Celtic goddess) is a municipality in the Upper Bavarian district of Miesbach. But what is the place about? It is primarly a beguiling constellation of a castle, an organ museum, a brewery, a wooden sound miracle and a wonderful river, the Mangfall. And in between the famous Michael Ende wrote his “Neverending Story” – more details when we meet there.
What to expect 2024
The program will be put together by the community on site. Every morning, we will host an open space marketplace, to gather and extend invitations to explore specific topics, ideas and questions related to working with stories in different fields. The camp is run through self-organized group work around specific topics to be proposed by participants.
Inspirierende Begegnungen mit Story Workern aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Ländern
Selbstorganisierte Workshops und Deep-Dive-Sessions
Ungewöhnliche Räume zur Co-Entwicklung von Ideen, Prototypen und kreativen Input
Berührungspunkte mit lokalen Geschichtenerzählern
Ein leichtes, aber sorgfältig gestaltetes und moderiertes Camp-Format
Drei Abendessen in drei besonderen Locations zum Entspannen, Netzwerken und Genießen
Eine ländliche und entschleunigende Umgebung
Bring dich ein und gestalte das Event mit!
Inspiring encounters with Story Workers from different fields and countries
Self-organized workshops and deep-dive sessions
Unusual spaces to co-create ideas, prototype projects and get creative input
Touchpoints with local storytellers
A light, but carefully designed and moderated camp format
Three dinners in three special locations to lean back, network, and just enjoy
A rural and decelerating surrounding
Bring yourself and co-create the event with us!
“This has never happened to me before! That I come back from a multi-day workshop and a more than 10-hour journey home with more energy than I left. The camp was the best in a long time, the perfect setting, the great open structure, the insanely interesting people, the food, simply everything ....!”
“It was rejuvenating. Mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Special: The select group of people, wonderful facilitation, openness. Learn: how to better interact with others, how to think around stories (personal and organizational alike).”
“The Camp was bliss, friendship, and soul exchange. The fabulous hosting made it special, as well as the splendid location. I learned a lot about the art of hosting, the magic of the group, and the power of a safe, mindful space, and the right mix between inspiration, reflexion, and relaxation.
ABout beyond storytelling
Beyond Storytelling is a network dedicated to the research and practice of working with stories in organizations, communities and beyond. We welcome all people who work with stories and are interested in working across disciplines and professions. People who are curious to extend and re-define this field of work and interested in making experiments and experiencing co-creation.
Beyond Storytelling ist ein Netzwerk, das sich der Forschung und Praxis der Arbeit mit Geschichten in Organisationen, Gemeinschaften und darüber hinaus widmet. Wir heißen alle Menschen willkommen, die mit Geschichten arbeiten und daran interessiert sind, interdisziplinär und berufsübergreifend zu arbeiten. Menschen, die neugierig sind, dieses Arbeitsfeld zu erweitern und neu zu definieren. Menschen, die Experimente wagen und Co-Creation erleben wollen.