Elizabeth Woodworth

Dr. Elizabeth Woodworth is a maker of art and text. She creates learning environments. She is an advocate for human flourishing.

 She has been on the faculty at Auburn University at Montgomery for the last decade where she is an Honors Associate Professor and the university’s Distinguished Teaching Professor, 2015-2018. Elizabeth has been teaching since 1992—courses on multimodal writing, 19th c. British literature, the detective novel, and writing pedagogy. She facilitates student engagement with the metaphors and myths of textual and visual production/consumption.

 She is a visiting professor and founder of the Center for Writing Excellence at the Air War College at the Air University on Maxwell Air Force Base. Over the last eight years, she’s directed the center and consulted with senior military officers and professionals, from over 40 countries and over 15 government agencies, as they earn a master’s degree in strategic studies.

 Since 1997, Elizabeth has regularly worked in US educational publishing as a writer, editor, and executive. She’s also taught internationally as well as teaching study-abroad courses. She co-founded a Texas-based nonprofit for intergenerational and multimodal community writing and arts programs with Beyond Storytelling co-presenter, Brooke Hessler.

 She has published scholarship in writing studies, on Victorian poetry and drama, and open education as well as creative nonfiction, poetry, and short stories. She is currently working on two books: 1) Strategic Communication and Metaphor in Professional Military Education; and 2) Mad Woman in the Office—a book of haiku and creative nonfiction. 

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