Joe Lambert founded the Center for Digital Storytelling (now StoryCenter) in 1994. He and his colleagues developed a computer training and arts program known as The Digital Storytelling Workshop.
Joe and his staff have traveled the world to spread the practice of digital storytelling, to all 50 US States and some 48 countries.
Joe Lambert is author of Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community (4th Edition, Routledge) and his more recent Seven Stages: Story and the Human Experience (Digital Diner Press). In 2017, Lambert celebrates his 34th year as an Executive Director, having evolved his work in the 1980s in the performing arts to work in digital storytelling and media education in the 1990s.
At BEYOND STORYTELLING 2018 he will hold a key note and a masterclass (Thursday, June 7th, 2018, 11 a.m - 6 p.m) on the power of SPECULATIVE DIGITAL STORYTELLING for finding and re-inventing the narrations around the identities of individuals, communities and societies.