
Hamburg | Germany

Hamburg | Germany

I think we need more stories of what we need less of. In our economy and our society is always more, more, more and sometimes less can be can be beautiful. I know that I'm in a very privileged position because we don't have to worry about food and we're safe here in Germany.

But I had this one moment, I think three weeks into the shutdown where I stood in front of my closet and asked myself, what do I need all these clothes for? I've literally worn only two pairs of sneakers since all this started, and I'm very happy with that. And, I think we should create stories of how we can be happy with with less.

Hamburg / Germany

Hamburg / Germany

I'm very much enjoying what it makes with the neighborhood. I opened a neighborhood bonfire and it's like a market place. And I enjoyed that, because normally people do not interact and communicate in this way and not share what they have to offer or so on. So I love to see this kind of solidarity. We are sharing.

And that money is losing significance. But let's say I mean, I'm, of course, an existential crisis working on my own as a freelancer. There is no income in a way. Really reduced income and I have to find ways to get through this time. But in a way, I have the feeling that, putting this aside, money is losing importance. I don't know. It's rather where to get goods, or about relationships, or about infrastructure and care. That's also something I enjoy quite a lot.