Chené Swart

Re-authoring the future of Tourism / Travel

Participants will hear the story of a future in tourism/travel that is being re-authored as we speak. The story is currently unfolding in the governmental Tourism Flanders Office and its Holiday Participation Centre.

You will discover how Appreciative Inquiry, Generative Journalism, the Re-authoring lens and practices and Sensemaker all came together to facilitate ways of seeing and being that re-ignited the dignity of all that participates. You will taste some of these practices through moments that will be created in the workshop.

Lastly, you will also be introduced and invited to the Connect Your Story project and an exciting StoryWeaver training that all paly in this forest of possibilities.

Workshop Hosts


Re-authoring leadership

Re-authoring leadership

The Re-authoring lens and practices invite people, teams and organisations to take up the pen and become primary authors of the stories that surround them and shape their world. In this two-hour interactive introduction workshop participants will be experiencing the re-authoring lens and practices by exploring their own capacity as story-makers and meaning-makers.