Ivanina Reitenbach

The Great Turning: the powerful story of our time

Our current perception of reality can be described through the lens of three different stories of power. The story of Business as usual tells us that there is little need to change the way we live. The story of Great Unraveling draws attention to the disasters that Business as Usual has been causing. Finally, the story of the Great Turning focuses on the emergence of new and creative human responses to the challenges of our time.

In this Workshop, I invite you to dive into the powerful realm of the Great Turning.  After a short theoretical exploration of Joanna Macy’s “Work that reconnects”, we will inform our minds and bodies by experiencing our present lives within larger contexts of time. We will perform a Deep Time ritual in which present people will encounter people from the seventh generation in the future.

Together we will co-create a space in which we can feel the power of acting like ancestors of future generations. We will reflect on our experience and on how we can embody and translate it into our daily lives.

Social Presencing Theatre meets Storytelling: Re-authoring futures through the body

Can our bodies tell stories? And how can we embody our future?

During this two hour experienced based introduction workshop, we will dive into the narrative world of our bodies.
Both on a personal and an organizational level we often find solutions for challenges based on our experiences from the past. Often we rely on our minds, disregarding the wisdom of our bodily experiences. The methods of the Social Presencing Theatre (SPT) enable us to learn from our future possibilities through the knowledge of our bodies. They show where individuals or groups are stuck today, where they could be going tomorrow, and what the real issues are in moving from here to there.

During the workshop you will experience individual and group embodied practices to enhance the perception of your own story as well as the stories of social systems.

Activating your embodied knowledge, you will gain new insights and find new expressions for challenges you or your community currently faces.

This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn how to use the body as a powerful tool for transforming current stories into future possibilities.