Change Management International
Petra Sammer
Partner | Chief Creative Officer
Nina Trobisch
Change & Innovation Dramturg
Michael J. Müller
Angelica Marte
Executive Education & Coaching
Stefanos Pavlakis
Hans Geisslinger
Jara von Luepke
Visual Facilitator & Artist
Daniel Trebien
Other worlds possible – an introduction to Storydealing
Working with stories temporarily discards existing patterns and structures and brings an other, second reality into existence
– a parallel reality that is and is not there yet at the same time.
Storydealer Berlin
Stories are lived, before they are told – except of course in fiction.
Walking the line between art and intervention for years, our partners from Storydealer Berlin defined their unique approach to organizational and cultural change. Their work taps the intricate relationship between the factual and the imagined. They instigate change by involving groups and organizations in developing – and shortly after enacting – fictional scenarios, thus turning them into graspable collective experiences that mediate between the projected and the possible. They thus disrupt existing patterns of thinking, organising and behaving – allowing for new perceptions of what is and what could be to form.
Firmly grounded in the concept of action oriented learning, systemic thinking and relational approaches to art, they refined their concepts and interventions over the years and created processes and events for organizations in various fields. At BEYOND STORYTELLING they will present their unique approach and provide insights into their recent projects.
Curios? – Get inspired:
Check out their video on their last project:
Re-authoring leadership
The Re-authoring lens and practices invite people, teams and organisations to take up the pen and become primary authors of the stories that surround them and shape their world. In this two-hour interactive introduction workshop participants will be experiencing the re-authoring lens and practices by exploring their own capacity as story-makers and meaning-makers.
An introduction to Re-authoring
Our colleague Chené Swart is invited to host an introduction to narrative methods. If you are in or around Belgium - don´t miss the opportunity: