Mannheim / Germany

So it's March 25. When you look at the situation at the moment with Corona, how do you experience the situation at the moment?

How do I experience that? In the beginning, it seemed like something that we always go through, but this time seems like so much bigger. SARS and MERS it was big, but I didn't experience it around me, so. You know, I feel like in an emergency.

And are there specific things that you recognize or see that are special or what is different?

Usually it's not around me. It's a big news in the world. It's somewhere in distance and I forget in three days. But I actually see it now. My friend's friend got corona virus and my work is all canceled. Shops are closed. Toilet paper is scarce. Yes, it's around me finally and it's not in the newspaper or just news on TV. You know, I feel like it's first time that I'm in the news. I'm actually there. I'm part of it.

Thank you. Is there anything you learned about yourself or about the society you live in?

Myself? I have learned – again – that I'm very pessimistic. Everything, I think in the first moment, it's all negative. That's what I am relearning myself. Maybe that's how I prepare for the worst scenario, worst case of scenario. And society is reacting just like me. Somebody is trying to prepare to even make bread at home. No yeast, no flour. And deep inside of me I understand. The other side of me tries to deny, trying to not buy toilet paper, trying not to panic and fighting every day.

Yeah. So we talked about the situation now and if you go now mentally from today to one year in the future or two years in the future, and something has changed in that time – maybe for the better. So when you think of the time after Corona. What do you want more of? And what do you want less of?

What I will appreciate people around me more. And I will appreciate that I have a job. That I can go to work. I will hug the Italians more often and kiss their cheeks. 

Your colleagues.

Yes, my colleagues, not all Italians. Italian Colleagues. They give me hugs and kisses but I don't often give it back.

And more enjoy the presence of your colleagues and appreciate it more.


Maybe there's something you want less of in the society or globally?

I hope we learn from this, I hope we learn how to behave or to be there for each other, not only for yourself. With bigger scale, not only for your family, but your family is actually everyone in the world. Yeah, for example, young people were out and they end up spreading the virus to older people who could have severe problems.

I think we learned that from this not being there just for yourself, but for the others. How you behave. How to live. I hope we learned. And I hope we learned that we don't have to buy everything. 

And that we have a lot and that a little action or a little less action would change or make bigger change, even if this is just a tiny little thing that you can do. I hope we learned or I will learn it in this process.

So the last question. It's a bit of bold question. So if you think of a time after this special time now, what would be your wildest dream? What don't you even dare to dream? How life could look like?

I hope I learned how to live minimum. Take less. Have a less. And appreciate little things. And I hope I will still have this in three years. Even when it is better in three years, even if it went back to normal.

All right. Thank you.