Filtering by: Open Seminars
Is “resonance” the missing link for future successful storytelling in organizations? Learn more about this new narrative approach and discuss its potential to create deep and meaningful response relationships with your target group.
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To enrich the narrative work, we offer some tools that help to work with the stories - stories that are present in the organization or in the individuals. We will see how to make them fruitful for the culture and development of the organization.
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Stories are in many ways a powerful partner for working with groups. As facilitators we want to invite openness and depths, awareness and impact. And stories enable just that – and much more. This seminar focuses on the potential of story for powerful workshops and group facilitation.
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Looking into the organizational world it often seems that stories are still considered as a nice addition for fair weather events. The narrative stance deciphers events as incidents and driving forces of change. Against this background, the co-construction of good stories is no longer the preserve of marketing departments but is one of the basic skills of any resonant enterprise. This seminar focuses on opening doors into the creative process.
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What is coaching and what makes the narrative spin? We define coaching as the evolution of new meaning through dialogue and we consider every question as intervention. In this seminar we shed light on the foundations of narrative work in 1:1 settings and give an overview of the narrative landscape.
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Every organizational change needs a strong narrative. These narratives support the effective communication of the why, the what and the how of the organizational change. Additionally, they support the design of the transformation by providing the “dramaturgies for change”. This seminar focuses tools and methods for the creation of these narratives.
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Baerbock, Laschet, Scholz – wer betritt wie die Bühne im Superwahljahr? Welche Archetypen repräsentieren sie? Welche Geschichten bringen Sie mit und sind von Ihnen im Superwahljahr zu erwarten?
In unserer Dialogveranstaltung wollen die Rollen der Kandidat:innen mit Blick auf verschiedene Archetypen diskutieren und überlegen, wie die Geschichten im Wahljahr weiter gehen könnten.
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Storylistening is at least as important as storytelling for organizational development - if not more so. Only by listening can we integrate the experiences of staff and leaders into the process of organizational development. In this seminar we will learn about and try out some methods and tools that support storylistening.
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Wahlkampf ist auch ein Ringen um die Narrative und Geschichten, mit denen Stimmen gewonnen werden können. Es gibt klare strategische Narrative, erzählerische Risiken und taktische Erwägungen.
Aufbauend auf dem Strukturmodell von Greimas wollen wir in dieser Veranstaltung aktuelle Narrative und Geschichten in der deutschen Politiklandschaft analysieren und reflektieren – und damit einen Beitrag zu strategischen und taktischen Fragen im Superwahljahr leisten.
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